

Silva, C. et. al. (2021) “Roteiro para Cidades Cicláveis Principiantes”. available at:

Silva, C. et. a. (2021). “Starter City Roadmap”. available at:



Ferreira, J. P., Isidoro, C., Moura Sá, F., & Baptista Da Mota, J. C. (2020) “The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities”. Hábitat y Sociedad, 13(13), 29–45.

Lopes, M., Mélice Dias, A., Silva, C. (2021) “The impact of urban features in cycling potential – a tale of Portuguese cities”. Journal of Transport Geography.


Machado, I. (2021) “Trialling the Gross Potential for Cycling: Exploring the link with cycling demand in the Netherlands”. Masters’ Dissertation in Planning and Urban Project. University of Porto Faculty of Engineering.

Silva, J. (2021) “Análise do potencial ciclável : O caso de Brasília”. Masters’ Dissertation in Planning and Urban Project. University of Porto Faculty of Engineering.

Rios, C. (2020). Mobilidade para a bicicleta: as atitudes dos planeadores sob as influências do funcionamento institucional. Masters’ Dissertation in Planning and Urban Project. University of Porto Faculty of Engineering.

Bicalho, T. (2019) “Planners’ Attitudes towards the Cycling Potential of their cities an attitude change approach.” Masters’ Dissertation in Planning and Urban Project. University of Porto Faculty of Engineering.


Under publication

Silva, C., Marques, J., Lopes, M., Mélice Dias, A. (2021) “The Gross Potential for Cycling: planning for human scale urban mobility”. In T. Toivonen, M. Mladenovic, E. Willberg, Karst Geurs (eds) Transport in Human Scale Cities (in press)

Mélice Dias, A., Lopes, M., Silva, C. (2021) “More than cycling infrastructure: Supporting the development of policy packages for starter cycling cities”. Transportation Research Record (in press) 


In development


Ferreira, J. P., Isidoro, C., Moura Sá, F., & Baptista Da Mota, J. C. (2021) O valor económico da bicicleta à escala local.

Silva, C. , Lopes, M., Mélice Dias, A. (2021) “Revealing the Gross Potential for Cycling as Planning Support for Starter Cycling Cities