We would like to invite you to the 13th Annual Conference on Planning Research – ‘Planning for Human Scale Cities’, organized by CITTA and research project BooST – Boosting Starter Cycling Cities. The conference will take place on the 2nd of July 2021.

Never has it been so strongly needed to plan for human scale cities. One year into the COVID 19 pandemic has led people to recognise the importance of closeness: to other people; to everyday activities; to high-quality public space, amongst others. Planning the human scale city raises issues of quality of life in urban environments that largely surpass the concerns with economic development and market surplus. The 13th CITTA conference invites you to contribute to this debate. This edition of the CITTA conference hosts the final conference of the BooST research project, focused on boosting cycling strategies in starter cycling cities. Inspired by this project, this conference looks to host a galvanizing discussion on this and other human-scale city planning approaches. The conference comprises plenary sessions and parallel thematic sessions on the following topics:

  1. Planning for the Bicycle: Supporting Human Scale Cities
  2. Urban form and the environment: Human Scale Planning
  3. Transformative Planning and Well-being: Human Scale Governance
  4. Transport Engineering and Planning: Human Scale Mobility Systems

Visit https://citta-conference.fe.up.pt/ for more information.

13th Annual CITTA Conference – Call for Abstracts