Welcome to BooST

Project “BooST – Boosting Starter Cycling Cities” aims to provide specific technical know-how to allow starter cities to reach the next level of bicycle use.

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Gross Potential for Cycling

The tool Gross Potential for Cycling (GPC) aims to identify the areas with the higher and lower potential for cycling in relation to the target-population, given their willingness to cycle, and the target-areas, due to their built environment, land use

Economic Value for Cycling

The Economic Value for Bicycle (VEB) tool aims to reveal the economic value associated with the existence or promotion of bicycle use in the Portuguese economy. Several impacts have been associated with the use of the bicycle: it can change

Cycling Measures Selector

The Cycling Measures Selector (CMS) aims to support the identification of the most appropriate mobility management measures to encourage cycling in starter cities, depending on specific contexts and objectives. The CMS was developed considering different profiles of promoters: On the