Cecília Silva
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) and senior researcher at CITTA – Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment. Her main research fields are Mobility Management, Accessibility Planning and Integrated Planning Support Instruments. Recently, her research has addressed the usefulness...
Isabel Cunha
Isabel Cunha holds a MSc in Spatial Planning and Urban Project (Faculty of Engineering at the University of Oporto - FEUP), Ba in Architecture and Urbanism (University of Brasília), and is researcher at CITTA - Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment and doctoral...
João Pedro Ferreira
PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems from University of Coimbra in a programme developed under the MIT-Portugal initiative, with a special focus on mobility, transport economics, sustainability and urban and regional policies. Researcher at the School of Planning and Public Policy...
Catarina Isidoro
MA in Regional and Urban Planning from University of Aveiro and BA in Geography from University of Porto. She has collaborated in national and international projects, focused on sustainable mobility and promoting of public participation in planning, including: U-bike University...
Ana Mélice Dias
Master’s in Architecture (ISCTE-IUL) and Researcher at CITTA - Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment, having colaborated in the project SPLACH (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL). She’s particularly interested in the sustainability driven transformations currently taking place in the urban morphology. Her research...