Project BooST has launched today the Movement “I would like to commute by bicycle”, which aims to contribute to the survey and recognition of potential bicycle users in Portugal, that is, the number of persons that do not regularly commute
According to the report “Transforming Cities: The potential of everyday cycling”, published today by SUSTRANS, an estimated 34,000 incidences of eight life-threatening conditions (including Type 2 diabetes, stroke, breast cancer and depression) would be prevented between 2017 and 2040, if cycling in major cities increased at rates like those seen in London. Furthermore, it would generate £21 billion of savings to the economy, including 319 million of savings to the National Health Service.
The definitive results of the Mobility Survey (IMob) conducted by INE – Portuguese Statistics Institute in 2017 in the Metropolitan Areas of Porto (AMP) and Lisbon (AML) have just been published. The survey was answered by